I'm a Software Engineer and I want to make my government better.
I am a fellow at
Code for America
and also dabble on other random projects, including
a tool to analyze Oakland mayoral campaign contributions.
Last month, roughly 200 technologists of all backgrounds, locations, and occupations came together to discuss how to build the next version of the Code for America (CfA) Brigade network.
How we can build a government that works for the people, by...
Tomorrow, I begin my next adventure: a 9-month fellowship with Code for America.
I'll be working with Multnomah County, Oregon (which includes Portland) to implement a web app that facilitates communication between victims of crime and case workers...
On September 20th, I had the pleasure of attending the EDGE conference hosted
by FT at Adobe's headquarters. Here are some notes I took from the many excellent
sessions about web standards development.
Setting up a Sidekiq queue tolerant of Redis failure has never been easier. This
post will help you get your Ruby application connecting properly so you can reap
the uptime benefits.